[nycphp-talk] FUNDAMENTALS - Virtual Hosting Art. - Revised

Hans Zaunere hans at
Sun Sep 14 22:00:30 EDT 2003

Jeff wrote:

> The article on virtual hosting has been heavily revised. Please review
> it for accuracy and clarity ( can only go so far in
> explaining things but make sure that all the important points have been
> addressed). 
> This version, 1.2, contains a number of changes based on comments from
> list members. If there is anyone who had contributed a comment and did
> not receive a "credit" at the bottom of the article...please let me
> know.
> See:

Looks great Jeff.  It's been suggested that an appendix be added that covers Windows on the server side as well.  I have little experience on this side of things, but maybe someone could contribute some notes, and we'll get them commited into the final version.



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